Friday, May 30, 2008

Blog # 16: Spiritual Social Work?

The mission of Jane Addam's social work was to help people. Although some would argue that that is a religious purpose, I find that it was not specifically religiously motivated. She seemed only to want to make a difference in peoples' lives, not to bring them closer to God or to save her eternal soul, or anything like that. So her intent was not religious.

Her motivation seems to be a collection of influences, including her father, whom she idolized. One could argue that it was her father's strong connections in his church inspired her to do as she did, but I think it is more directly inspired by the man himself, and not by his beliefs and his faith in the church.

She doesn't focus on religious beliefs much in her book, even when talking about her father's church. She only mentions that he was quaker, but doesn't really expand on how that directly influenced her at all. She also doesn't discuss religion when talking about the purpose or function of her establishment, so that leads me to believe that her motivations were not of a religious origin.

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